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His Diamond_Simone's Story Page 6
His Diamond_Simone's Story Read online
Page 6
He looked her over slowly. “And you, Simone Jenkins, are one of the sexiest I’ve ever seen.”
Simone closed her eyes. “I swear you’re going to make me do things to you, that I promised to never repeat,” she whispered. “I’m going to need to speak to my therapist again.”
“Hey,” Nick called softly, and she opened her eyes. “You can do whatever you want to me, as long as you know that I give, as good as I receive.”
She groaned. “Stop…” Simone sat her utensil down. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me how?” he inquired.
Simone took a breath. “In the past, I’ve used men…to get back at him.” She looked at him. “I’ve been in therapy for two years to deal with my sexual issues.”
Nick sat back. “Thank you for your honesty.”
“I don’t want to waste either of our time,” she told him.
“Then I should tell you, that I also spent a few years in therapy over the loss of my partner, to deal with my anger and guilt,” Nick confessed.
“She was your partner?”
He nodded. “I loved her…and when I lost her, I lost myself for a while. She was killed by her husband.”
“You were in love with a married woman?” Simone questioned.
Nick shook his head. “I wasn’t in love with her, I loved her. She was the most beautiful person. Kind, loyal, strong…” he trailed off and looked away. “The first two got her killed, because although, she was expertly trained…she was still unsure of her own strength, enough to use it to save her life.”
“I’m sorry…” she said quietly.
“She believed that she could handle him, that he loved her and wouldn’t hurt her.” Nick explained. “I warned her not to go back, and I should’ve killed him when she was alive, but I knew that she would’ve never forgiven me.”
Simone heard the anguish in his voice at the situation.
He looked at Simone. “Now, I wish that I had…and I’ll never second guess that choice again.”
This time, she reached across the table and placed her hand over his. “You were in a no-win situation, Nick. I work with women every day and I see this. I try to warn them too, but I’ve come to understand that at the end of the day, it’s their lives and their choices. We can’t make them for them.”
“At least she’d be alive,” he argued.
“But to her, would that have even been living?” Simone questioned. “You would have taken the man she loved unconditionally, and she would have lost both of you at the same time.”
“I don’t understand why she didn’t kill him?” Nick said, shaking his head again.
“I didn’t kill my attacker,” Simone told him. “Because, even though I had the skills…I still was afraid of him. What he’d done, had made me feel powerless against him.”
Nick squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry that happened to you. I want you to know that even though I’m a dangerous man, I would never hurt you.”
Simone gave him a sexy smile. “I might just hurt you though…and enjoy every minute.”
“I might just let you, and also enjoy every minute.”
She sighed and moved her hand away. “Well, that was light, lunch conversation.”
Nick reached for her hand again. “I hope that we can always be straight forward with one another, Simone.”
Simone looked at her hand in his strong one. “That would definitely be a change for me…”
“For me too…” Nick confessed. “I don’t normally start spilling my guts at lunch.”
She laughed softly. “Well, let’s see what you do at dinner.”
He looked surprised. “Are you asking me out?”
“Are you available?”
“If you’re asking, then…yes,”
“What time?”
Nick looked at his watch. “I have some business this afternoon, that shouldn’t take too long, and I can meet up with you around six?”
“Okay, that gives me time to handle some business of my own. I’m going to speak with Mrs. Polk later, so since you wanted to ask her some questions, why don’t we meet there and go to dinner afterward?”
“I will be there,” he assured her.
“I’m certainly looking forward to it.”
After lunch, Nick drove Simone back to his gun range and presented her with the weapon, she’d selected, along with ammunition and all the accessories.
“Nick, you didn’t have to do all this,”
He looked down at her. “You thought I was just going to have you put it in your purse and walk out the door?”
“Thank you,” Simone said, softly looking up at him. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome. Keep it close to you.”
She smiled. “I promise that I will.”
Nick walked her out to her car and stood looking down at her for a minute. “Thank you for lunch,” he whispered.
“I think you took me, so I should be thanking you.”
“I’m thanking you for being such an incredible woman. One that I can’t wait to see again.”
Simone lifted a hand to his face. “You’re going to set me back, years of counseling.”
She stretched on her toes and lifted her lips to his, touching them softly. “I’ll see you tonight,” she whispered against his mouth. Opening her door, Nick glanced inside her car and saw a pair of heavy combat boots on the back seat.
“Are you going hiking?” he asked.
Simone smiled. “No, those aren’t for hiking.”
Nick watched her get into the car and eventually drive off. He touched his full lips that still tingled from Simone’s kiss before heading to his own vehicle. Sliding inside, he added sunglasses and a baseball cap, then went to handle business.
Nick arrived at his destination and parked around the block. Dressed in his jeans and T-shirt, he fit in with the neighborhood and didn’t draw much attention as he walked down the street. The weapon in his back wasn’t noticeable underneath his shirt unless you were looking for it.
Walking slowly, surveying his surroundings, Nick walked around to the back of the house and looked around before he heard a man screaming in pain. Kicking in the back door, he rushed inside with his weapon drawn, then froze at the sight.
“You want to hit women, you little bitch!”
The man on the floor screamed as he was struck with a kick to the ribs from a pair of familiar combat boots.
Nick replaced his gun and waited while the man squirmed on the floor.
“Hey Nick,” Simone said, tossing her hair back over her shoulder with one hand, and the weapon Nick had given her in the other.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Nick asked. “We could’ve just driven over together.”
He frowned. “And how did you beat me here?”
Simone smiled. “You drive really slow.”
Nick walked over to were Ja’Traveon laid on the floor groaning. “No, you drive too damn fast.”
He looked at the man then at Simone. “I told you, I could get him for you,” he reminded her.
She shrugged. “I know, but like you said, sometimes a damsel needs to handle her own shit. Can’t expect a superhero all the time...”
Nick shook his head. “How did you find him?”
“Trent found him for me.” Simone glanced down and frowned. “His dumb ass was using his cell phone from here, calling his wife.”
“That’s how I found him, too.”
“So much for Atlanta PD police work,” Simone said with a sigh.
“They have budget constraints, so I’m told…”
Simone crouched down to Ja’Traveon. “So here is what’s about to happen, the police are coming to take you.”
He watched her with angry eyes.
“The only reason I didn’t kill you is because of your wife and those three little children, but if you lay a hand on your wife again, I won’t have this same charitable spirit.” She leaned closer. “Because punk ass bastards like you, really
deserve to die.”
She stepped away from Ja’Traveon as Nick pulled the injured man to his feet then looked into his face. “I hope you heard what she said, and if you think she kicked your ass…you don’t want to tangle with me.” He pressed him tightly against the wall.
“What happened here Simone?” Nick asked.
She made her voice tremor. “I heard Mrs. Polk get a call, asking her to meet Ja’Traveon here. She’s afraid of him, so I came instead to try to talk to him, but then he tried to attack me and I had to protect myself.”
Nick nodded and continued their story. “I followed you here because I was concerned. He was trying to attack you, so I knocked him out cold.”
Ja’Traveon’s eyes widened, right before Nick punched him in the face and everything went black.
He let the man’s body slide to the floor, while Simone made the call to 911.
When she was done, she walked over to Nick and smiled up at him. “I think I know where I want to go for dinner.”
He placed a hand on her waist. “I will take you wherever you want to go, beautiful damsel.”
Both Simone and Nick went home to change before heading over to the Center to meet with Mrs. Polk. Simone summoned the woman down to her office where Nick sat, dressed in another dark suit. While they waited, Simone studied him from her desk.
“If you’re thinking of undressing me again, don’t…” he warned.
She smiled. “Not yet…”
“Where are we going for dinner?” Nick asked.
“You’ll see…”
Mrs. Polk knocked on the door and Simone stood to answer. She felt Nick’s dark gaze on her long shapely legs in the short dress she wore, as he got to his feet. The spandex hugged her ample ass and breasts and she was receiving the perusal that she’d expected, except it didn’t make her feel angry and want to lash out at him.
His gaze was adoring, and made her feel like something beautiful and special. Before she reached the door, he said softly. “You look very beautiful.”
Simone grinned. “Thank you.”
She opened the door for Mrs. Polk and showed the woman inside. Waiting until both women were seated, Nick sat again. Simone watched Mrs. Polk stare at Nick then introduced them.
“Mrs. Polk this is Nick Webster, he is working on the security here at the Women’s Center,” she told the woman then Nick extended his hand. “And he rescued your mother and children the other night.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Polk,” he said quietly.
She took his hand. “Thank you for helping my family.”
“I’m glad I was there,” Nick told her, removing his hand.
Mrs. Polk turned back to Simone. “I’m leaving today.”
“Okay,” Simone nodded. “Do you have a plan?”
She watched the woman swallow. “Ja’Traveon has been arrested, so it’s safe for me to go back home.”
Simone sat back. “Are you leaving to bail him out?”
“He needs my help,”
Nick watched the woman and remained silent.
“What he needs Mrs. Polk is to get some help,” Simone counseled.
“The kids miss their Daddy.”
“Is it the kids…or you?”
Mrs. Polk shook her head. “I know this is your job Ms. Jenkins, but this is my life.”
Simone nodded. “You’re right, but it’s not only your life. There are three other lives involved.”
“I’ll take care of my kids, I always have.”
“By leaving them at a drug house?” Simone questioned.
Mrs. Polk frowned. “What? I’ve never left my kids at a drug house.”
Simone looked at Nick.
“Mrs. Polk, do you know someone named JP?” he asked.
“JP?” She shook her head. “No, why?”
“Mrs. Polk, aren’t your husband's initials JP?” Simone questioned.
She nodded. “Yes, so are mine.”
Simone frowned. “They are? All of your paperwork says Meka.”
“My full name is Jameka Polk.”
Nick watched the woman. “I was told that drugs were being sold out of your grandmother’s home,” he informed her.
“You must be mistaken,” Jameka said, shaking her head.
“They had no reason to lie,” Nick pointed out.
“Ja’Traveon wasn’t selling drugs and nobody was selling them out of my grandmother’s house!” She jumped to her feet and Nick stood as well.
“I’m leaving here tonight!” She told Simone. “You’re trying to send him to jail because you don’t like him.”
Simone shook her head. “No, I don’t like him and I’m not trying to send him to jail. Jail is where he belongs for abusing you…and if you don’t stop him, he’ll be going for your murder. What will happen to your children then Mrs. Polk?”
“You can’t keep us here,”
“No, I can’t. Although, I wish I could, because I know what you’re about to do.” Simone told her.
“Goodbye Ms. Jenkins,”
Jameka headed to the door.
“Goodbye Mrs. Polk.”
Nick watched the woman walk out and close the door behind her, before turning to Simone.
“You have a hard job,”
Simone covered her face. “She’s going back to him…”
He walked around her desk and moved her hands away. “You did everything you could. She’s right, you can’t keep her here.”
Simone looked at him. “Those kids…”
“I know,”
Simone sighed. “I don’t think Mrs. Polk was telling us the truth.”
“I know she wasn’t.” Nick confirmed. “She’s protecting somebody,”
She looked confused. “Is it her?”
Chapter 6
Simone stood barefoot in the kitchen equipped with beautiful dark wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances. She held a full glass of wine in one hand, while she leaned against a pantry door watching the man at the stove.
Simone let her eyes caress his body as he moved methodically, preparing their dinner. His brown muscled rippled underneath the T-shirt he wore with a pair of black sweatpants. He’d changed out of his suit when they’d arrived at his wooded hideaway.
Nick glanced over at her. “Are you safe?” he asked.
Simone smiled at the counseling terminology and understood that he was asking if she felt comfortable in his home. “Yes, I’m safe.”
He nodded. “Good, because you are…”
“Did you wonder why I requested to come to your house for dinner?” Simone questioned.
“The first thing you learn, is to observe your subject in his environment,” he told her, checking his pots on the stove.
“You’re my subject?”
Nick looked at her. “Am I wrong?”
Simone sipped her wine. “I wanted to see if you had a whole wife and baby hidden somewhere.”
“So you decided to catch me off guard and tell me that you wanted to have dinner at my house?”
She nodded. “The element of surprise is the second thing you learn.”
He agreed. “Since I have nothing to hide, you can go through everything you’ve learned to plan your next move.”
Simone stared at him. “You don’t have a problem with that?”
“I’m doing the same thing,”
“We make quite a pair,” she said softly, starring down into her glass.
Nick approached and stopped in front of her. “I’m hoping that’s the conclusion you will come to…”
She looked up at him and held his gaze. “Is that what you’ve decided?”
“The moment you jumped through that window.” Nick stared at her mouth, then looked at the glass in her hand. “How’s the wine?”
“It’s delicious,” Simone whispered, and lifted the glass. “You should taste it.”
Nick gently moved her hand aside, before placing his lips over hers. The kiss was both sweet and su
ltry at the same time. His kiss let her know that she could have it either way and he’d provide it without hesitation.
He didn’t touch her with his body, keeping a small distance between them as he savored her lips. Simone joined in, and the heat level increased until Nick lifted his head. Staring down into her face, he reached up and stroked her cheek.
“More than delicious…” he told her.
Simone slid her tongue slowly across her lips. “I certainly agree.”
Nick turned back to the stove and prepped their meal, while Simone stood planning how she was going to get him out of his clothing…again. For some reason this man, made her want to undress him and delight in all that was underneath the garments that he wore. The heat he’d ignited in her from the start, was about to detonate.
“Let’s eat,” she heard him say, then followed him to a well-set table.
Nick held her chair out and seated her, before returning to the kitchen and bringing out two plates. He sat one in front of her, then the other at the space across the table. Again, he disappeared and came back with the wine bottle and refilled her glass along with a glass for him.
When Nick took his seat, she smiled at him. “This looks delicious. I wasn’t expecting you to actually cook the meal.”
“A superhero has to be able to do it all,” he told her.
She laughed and reached for her fork. “I see you take the title seriously.”
“I take everything seriously,”
Simone looked at him. “I can see that, too. I don’t think I’ve seen you smile at all…let alone laugh.”
Nick paused. “You’re probably right. My work consists of me being on guard to protect others and myself. There’s not a lot of humor in that.”
“I know,” Simone agreed. “Until I started therapy, I wasn’t a bowl of giggles either…but Dr. Richards showed me that it’s okay to enjoy life, to smile and be happy.”
“And what do you enjoy about life now, Simone?”
She looked reflective. “That I can live my truth. I don’t have to be ashamed or conform to how people think I should act.” Simone began. “I’m sure people have looked at me like a whore, but all they saw was my actions, and not the pain that caused them.”
She smiled again. “But now, it doesn’t matter because I’m happy within myself and I make the choices for my life.”