Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1) Page 4
“Goodnight,” they each said then hugged her again.
“Goodnight ladies,” Derek told them, standing to his feet.
“Enjoy your stay,” Lorna replied.
Lena agreed. “Yes, and have a good night as well.”
When her sisters departed, Lana turned to Derek. “Thank you for the drinks and conversation. It’s late and I should let you rest.”
Derek checked the large watch on his wrist. “It is later than I thought. Time really does fly.”
“When you’re having fun, right?”
He looked down at her. “I’ve just started having fun, how about you?”
“I did enjoy your company, very much,” she confessed.
Derek stepped closer, holding her gaze. “So, your sister told me that you swim at midnight out in the pool. Instead of rolling up on you like a stalker, I’m going to ask if you would like some company?”
Lana shook her head. “Lena?”
He nodded.
“She’s trying to get me attacked.”
He smiled. “She told me there were cameras and I’d never hurt you or any woman.”
Lana closed her eyes. “I’m sorry about that. I guess they don’t realize how desperate they’re making me look.”
Derek touched her chin softly and her eyes opened. “Not desperate at all. They know I have a tall task ahead of me, if I want your attention. They’re just trying to help a brother out.”
Looking up at him, she said softly, “I don’t think the brother needs help.”
“So is that a yes or a no?” he questioned.
“It’s an, ‘I’ll be there…’”
He nodded. “Then I’ll be there, as well.”
Lana smiled and stepped back away from his touch. “I’ll see you then.”
Derek watched her walk away and thought he’d never tire of seeing that sight. She may not be able to hold a cup, but the rear curvature was pure perfection. More than enough to cuff and it looked firm enough to squeeze.
There were only three words to describe Lana Sable…Fine. As. Hell. Not the superficial fine, that kind that had to be applied daily, but the natural fine. He knew that she woke up the same as she looked all day, for the most part. She wasn’t hidden under layers, with Lana what you saw was what you got and Derek was wowed by what he’d seen.
Walking slowly to his room, he entered and went to his phone on the nightstand. Derek was sure his voicemail was full by now, yet he was in no rush to clear it or even listen to the messages. Unbuttoning his shirt, he began to undress to prepare to meet Lana soon.
He’d planned on using the pool anyway, since the facility didn’t have a gym where he could maintain his workouts. However, a good swim could suffice for a short time. Grabbing his suitcase, he realized that he hadn’t packed swim trunks so opted for a pair of basketball shorts instead.
Derek was supposed to be here resting, but rest was now the last thing on his mind. His thoughts were filled of chocolate brown skin and big dark eyes. He had to admit that all three sisters were incredibly gorgeous, but there was just something about Lana. Something that made him put his foot on the gas every time she tried to pump the brakes.
Derek was not accustomed to being the one who had to push for more from a woman. That was usually his stance, because he only had so much to give, with his work being the most important thing in his life. However, he found himself subtly nudging Lana, whose work was also the most important thing in her life. Every time he felt like he was gaining and inch, she moved back a foot. Challenges and competitions were his life, and if Lana Sable wanted to become the next one, then so be it.
Derek made his way down the stairs and was greeted by the Night Manager at the desk.
“Good evening,”
He nodded. “Good evening,”
“Is there something that I can help you with tonight?” the Manager offered politely.
“I’m just going to visit the pool,” Derek explained.
“It’s right out back,”
Derek smiled. “I’ve had the tour.”
“Have a good swim,”
“Thanks, I plan to.”
He continued walking outside and over to the building that housed the pool and spa. Inside, he found the object of his attention inside the pool with her arms resting on the edge looking at him.
“Hi,” Lana smiled.
“Hey,” he answered, coming closer. He noticed the bright pink swimming cap on her head. “How do you get all of that hair under there?” he asked nodding at her head.
Lana touched the cap. “I twist it up first and pin it.”
Derek removed his tennis shoes and came to sit next to where she rested, putting his long legs into the water as she perused his body.
“You work out,” she surmised.
“You can tell?”
Lana laughed. “Isn’t that the point?”
“Yeah, it is…” he agreed with a laugh.
“Why don’t you come inside?” she invited.
He agreed. “Okay,”
Derek slid into the water and Lana turned to face him. “You ready to swim?” she whispered.
“If that’s the only option,” he said looking down at her.
“For now it is,” Lana said slowly before swimming away.
He watched her strong strokes through the water, for a couple of laps before joining her. Together, they swam until both were tired and they climbed from the pool. Derek allowed her to exit first to get the view he was anticipating. Her bikini was an African inspired design that gave full view of her smooth, brown body.
Derek jumped out and followed her to the towels, where she handed one to him before drying her face and wrapping another around her waist.
“Thank you,” he said drying off his chest.
Lana watched his muscles rippled as he rubbed himself. “No, thank you.”
Derek paused and stared at her. “You like to push and pull.”
She lifted a brow in question.
“You like to pull me in, then push me away,” he explained.
Lana stepped closer. “Trust, when I pull you in, you’ll know.”
He stared down at her mouth. “Are your sisters watching?”
“Maybe,” she joked.
“Then you should step back before they get a show,” he warned her.
She grinned. “Let’s sit in the spa, so I can push you away some more.”
Derek was surprised when Lana sat next to him in the swirling water. He’d expected her to sit across from him on the other side but instead, she turned to him and rested an elbow on the edge before resting her face on her fist.
“So is the pulling beginning now?” he asked.
Lana studied him for a moment. “You’re very handsome Derek, and very charming.”
“Thank you, my mother would appreciate you saying that.”
“Are you close to your mother?” Lana questioned.
He nodded. “I talk to her every week, no matter where I am.”
Lana smiled. “She must be very proud of you.”
“She’s said that a time or two,” he agreed.
“Do you plan on running for office one day?”
Derek looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. It’s not something I’d considered in the past but looking at what we have in office now over in Washington, it certainly seems anybody can become elected.”
Lana agreed. “Now that’s the truth.”
“I don’t think I’m cut out to be an actual politician. Too much red tape and bullshit to deal with,” he added. “I’m not the one for all that.”
She continued to watch him quietly as the water swirled around them. “I don’t know if you’re very interesting or I’m tipsy from drinking an entire bottle of wine with you.”
“I’m not tipsy and I know that you’ve interested me from the start,” he replied.
Derek matched her position with his elbow on the ledge facing her.
“What exactly are you interested in
?” Lana questioned.
“To start, spending time with you when you are available,” he answered.
She nodded. “And then?”
His dark eyes darted to the tops of her breasts that peeked out from her bathing suit. “Spending additional quality time with you.”
Lana smiled after watching his gaze return to her face. “Is that what you call it?”
“It is quality,” he teased.
Lana laughed and touched his bare shoulder. “Hmmm…I’ll reserve that judgement until I have more evidence.”
Derek put some space between them before she actually witnessed the evidence that she spoke of and Lana lifted a brow at his action.
“Who’s pushing away now?” she asked.
“When you figure out if you’re tipsy or not, I can pull you in again.”
“You’re very cautious,”
Derek shrugged. “Do you know how many brothers are up on charges because she didn’t remember what happened?”
“That is a rough spot for men,” Lana agreed. “If I’m a little buzzed and I indicate that I want it, but when I wake up tomorrow, I say that I had no intentions of having sex with you…where does that leave you?”
“Prosecuted, my career ended and my name slandered,” he answered firmly.
Lana shook her head. “Over one night…”
“Exactly, and that’s why I steer clear.”
“I’m not that tipsy,” she confessed. “And I have no intentions of having sex with you.”
Derek lifted a brow. “Tonight?”
“Tonight, tomorrow night, next week…” she confirmed.
“You’re sure about that?”
Lana nodded. “I can’t let you breeze through my life as a tall, chocolate, sexy memory. I’m not looking for those.”
“You want a serious relationship,” he said quietly. “That’s what you were telling your friends.”
“At least something that could develop into that,” she added.
“Don’t you have to start somewhere?”
She sighed. “You can only begin when two people want the same thing.”
“Are you asking me or telling me that I don’t want that?”
“I’m sure if you did, you’d be in one right now.”
He frowned. “What makes you think that?”
“Because, you’re the guy and unless or until you’re ready for a commitment, you won’t be loyal or faithful.” Lana told him.
“Damn, who broke your heart?”
Lana smiled. “That’s just it…it’s never been broken because I’ve never fully trusted anyone with it. This isn’t about my heart, it’s about my brain.”
“Okay Dr. Freud, how does a dude know when he’s ready for a commitment?” Derek asked.
She turned and sat in the water, staring at the bubbles. “When he’s tired of being a boy and realizes when the best thing that’s ever going to happen to him, is standing right before his eyes.”
She listened to his next words with her gaze still on the water. “So, he could hear her voice and it would stop him in his tracks, then he’d look into her face and it would stop his heart.”
Lana turned to him. “Something like that.”
Derek nodded. “Then he’d make plans to stay with her for a month, when he’d had no intention of stopping anywhere remotely near where she is…”
She smiled softly, “Yeah…”
He moved closer and stared into her face. “I can’t make any promises, Lana…but I’m here now and I’m willing to see where this attraction leads. I’m not going to press you, but I am going to let you know that I’m here and that I want to be with you.”
“How do I know that you don’t routinely stop and try to seduce little Innkeepers?” she teased.
“I’ve never stayed at an Inn before.”
Lana laughed. “See, I didn’t know that.”
Derek joined her in laughter before touching her cheek with a wet hand. “So which way is this swinging?”
“I wouldn’t want to only talk to you once a week,” she whispered.
“That’s only for my Momma,” he explained, removing his hand. “All of her kids get one day.”
Lana lifted a brow. “You have six siblings?”
“No, four. She likes her weekends free to play bingo.”
She looked confused. “Where does she live?”
“Virginia, she’s retired. She raised all of us by herself and now we all take care of her,” he told her.
“Your siblings live in Virginia too?”
He shook his head. “Nah, we’re spread out all over, but we all get together when we can.”
“Wow, talk about leaving the nest…” Lana commented.
Derek laughed. “We were kicked out. My mother said she’d done her job and we had to get out into the world and do ours. My siblings are a doctor, a lawyer, a pharmacist and a professor.”
Lana blinked. “Your mother wasn’t playing.”
“She’s a strong black woman, which makes me attracted to beautiful, strong black women…like you.”
“My sisters and I only run the Inn,” she said turning away. “And we’d never move away from Daddy.”
“You’re close to your father?” Derek asked.
“Very much,” she answered. “He’s everything to us.”
Derek nodded. “He was all you had.”
She sighed. “Losing Momma was hard on him, and then he was left with three little girls.”
“He clearly did a wonderful job,” Derek commented and she turned to him.
“Thank you, your Mother did too.”
“My mother had our grandmother to help her through our teenage years,” Derek explained.
Lana nodded. “Daddy had Mr. and Mrs. Langston. They still work here at the inn.”
“When is your father returning?”
“Next week,”
“I can’t wait to meet him.”
She looked at him. “Who? My Daddy?”
He nodded. “Yes, your Daddy.”
“Why?” she asked.
“I have to tell him how beautiful all of his daughters are, and I’m trying to pull one of them in,” he told her.
“And doing a very good job,”
He frowned. “I really can’t tell.”
Lana laughed. “Trust me, you are. Just because I’m not planning to get naked with you, doesn’t mean that you aren’t making headway.”
“You do know that we don’t have to be naked,” he whispered.
She stood in the water. “On that note, it’s time for me to go.”
Derek stood as well and looked down at her. “I’ll walk you out.”
Together, they dried off slowly and disposed of the used towels before heading to the door. Derek held it open for her and she thanked him as he walked through. Back inside the Inn, they passed the front desk and the Night Manager greeted Lana.
“Hey boss,”
She smiled. “Hi, Willie.”
He looked at the couple. “Did you have a good swim?”
“Yes, I did.” Lana answered. “Have a good night.”
“You too,”
Lana turned to Derek. “Have a good night.”
He smiled at her. “You too, Lana.”
She watched as he walked to the stairs and their eyes connected as he headed up and then out of sight. Willie watched as Lana stood smiling, before heading to the door. Rarely did Lana smile and never like that! Whoever this Mr. Wells was, he had definitely made an impression on his boss.
Lana entered her home and looked around. This house had been built recently, but she’d lived on this land her entire life. She couldn’t imagine leaving and traveling all over, the way Derek did or being separated from her sisters, like his siblings.
The fact that he traveled so freely, scared her. She didn’t want a man who was never there with her, and like she’d told him, one that she would only talk to once a week. That wasn’t a relationship, in her mind.
ut Derek Wells seemed to have the ability to make Lana do things that she normally wouldn’t, like having dinner with a guest and sharing an entire bottle of wine, or leaving her sisters to do all the work, even sharing the pool and spa with a man she’d just met.
Lana had to admit that she had a stirring attraction for Derek. The way he spoke, the way he moved, everything about him pulled her in and she was fighting vigilantly to hold her ground. Derek was used to leading and being in charge, but he also had the ability to sense when retreating would still gain him ground. He was an expert strategist, she could tell.
All in all, he’d been right. Even with all she was looking for and desiring, you had to start somewhere. But did she want to start with someone who’d be leaving in thirty days, although he’d said he could and would stay longer.
Lana knew that Grayling, Michigan was not a place where people came to settle down and most who’d been born here couldn’t wait to get out, but she loved it here and this would always be her home. Walking into her bedroom, she quickly showered and climbed into bed.
Settling underneath the cool sheets, she picked up the phone on her nightstand and pushed a button.
“Hey boss,” Willie answered.
“Hi Willie, can you transfer me to the Blue Room?”
Willie smiled. “I sure can. Good night.”
Lana bit her lip as the phone rang.
“Hello?” the deep voice answered.
She chuckled. “Were you expecting someone else?”
“I wasn’t expecting you,” he pointed out.
“Are you busy?”
“No, just lying in bed thinking about this woman.”
“She must be special if you’re up this late thinking about her,” Lana teased softly.
Derek laid back. “I keep telling her that, but I don’t know if she’s hearing me.”
“Maybe she’s gun shy?”
“No guns here.”
Lana laughed, then said slowly. “I put in an order for a picnic basket tomorrow for you.”
“Okay, and what comes with the basket?”
“Lunch, plates, utensils, a bottle of wine, and a blanket…”
Derek frowned. “I think I’ll pass and just rest in my room.”
Lana paused. “If you like, I can show you a very nice spot for your picnic…”
“Of course, I’d have to stay in order to show you the way back…” she finished.