His Diamond_Simone's Story Page 3
As she walked, her phone rang and she looked down, not recognizing the number. “This is Simone Jenkins.”
“Hello Simone Jenkins, this is Nick Webster.”
She paused. “Who?”
“I apologize for calling so late and unannounced but Lotus Baker just called me and insisted that I contact you. She says that you need my help, right now.” He explained.
Simone shook her head. “That damn Lotus.”
“I’m sorry Mr. Webster. Lotus shouldn’t have bothered you.” Simone said in a neutral tone.
There was a pause. “You’re in a crisis. I can hear the inflection in your voice.”
She blinked, knowing full well that she’d deliberately calmed her voice. “Excuse me?”
“You tried to hide it and if I wasn’t well trained, I wouldn’t have picked it up at all.” Nick explained. “Let me help you,”
Simone continued to her car and climbed inside. “Look, I don’t know what Lotus told you, but…”
“Okay, Simone…I’ll find you.”
She froze and stared at the phone, with the ended call signal.
“Who the hell?” Simone said, then shook her head and got back to her mission.
She started the car and entered the address into her GPS. Driving, she told herself to call that damn Lotus when she got the chance. That girl could go too far sometimes…
Simone arrived ten minutes later outside of the darkened home. She hadn’t called, because she didn’t want anyone possibly alerted to her arrival, and prepared to ambush her. Stepping out of her car in jeans and tennis shoes, Simone touched the weapon on her waist and quietly closed the door.
Looking around the neighborhood, she scanned the surroundings before heading toward the front porch. She turned back as a car’s headlights came down the street and passed her slowly. She couldn’t see the driver, but she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
With the car now out of her sight, she turned back to the front door. Just as she was about to knock, the same car came back in the opposite direction with tires screeching. Simone reached for a gun, just as something was propelled out of the driver’s window.
The next thing Simone knew the porch was on fire. She let out a shot at the car as it sped away, then went into action, getting to the people inside the now burning home. She banged on the deadbolt, steel door, yelling.
“Open up! It’s a fire!” Simone screamed, then ran to a window opposite the growing flames.
She raised an arm to smash it, when she was stopped in mid-air.
“I’ve got it!”
In amazement, Simone watched the man use a booted foot to kick open the window. After smashing the extra glass, he quickly dove inside and Simone followed. They saw a scared woman with three kids coming down the stairs and Nick moved like lightening, scooping up all of the little ones.
“Help the woman!” he ordered, running towards the back door, as the flames began engulfing the living room.
Simone could hear the cries of the children as this man ran with them to safety. She grabbed the elderly woman. “Let’s go!”
When they got out of the back yard, Simone heard sirens and firetrucks as the group continued to move away from the burning home. When they were in a safe distance, Simone turned to the man, still holding the children.
“Who are you?”
His dark eyes looked down into her confused face. “I’m Nick Webster. I told you I’d find you.”
Simone loaded the grandmother and the children into her car after speaking with the police for the second time that evening, along with Nick Webster. She’d explained everything, starting from her leaving the center, to the cocktail thrown on the porch.
She now looked up at the man standing next to her vehicle.
“Thank you,” Simone said quietly. “I guess Lotus was right. I couldn’t have gotten them all out by myself.”
He nodded. “I’m glad I was here.”
“How did you find me?” Simone asked, confused.
“I used to be Special Ops…I tracked your number and followed your GPS.”
She shook her head. “Damn…”
“It’s not something that I do to women, but Lotus was worried about you and I picked up that something was wrong when I spoke to you,” Nick explained.
“I’m trained to not let that show,” she told him.
“I’m trained to uncover it,”
Simone glanced into the car, where the woman sat consoling the children. “I should get them to their mother and find arrangements for them.”
Nick agreed. “You didn’t get the plate of that car?”
She angrily shook her head. “I should’ve paid more attention. I knew something was wrong.”
“Well, you got the make and model. I’ll do some checking myself. When I pulled up, all I saw was the fire.”
“Will you let me know if you find out anything?” Simone asked.
“Of course,” Nick answered. “I’m supposed to be meeting with you about some gun training.”
“That’s right,” Simone said quietly. “When would you be available?”
“I’ll stop by your Women’s Center tomorrow. I’d also like to check out your security with this guy still on the loose,” Nick informed her.
“Do you think it’s the husband?”
Nick shrugged. “That, I don’t know, but what I do know is that whoever it is, they’re going to wish they hadn’t done this.”
Simone felt a rush at his softly spoken, deadly threat. She held out her hand. “Well, thank you Mr. Webster.”
He took her hand firmly. “Nick…”
She smiled. “Simone…”
“I will see you tomorrow, Simone,” he told her, releasing her hand. “But first, I’m going to trail you back to the Center.”
She put up her hands. “I’m not even going to complain at this point.”
He nodded, then opened her door for her. When she was settled inside, Simone turned back to the family. “I’m going to take you somewhere safe.”
The grandmother looked relieved. “Thank you. Thank you for saving these babies.”
“You’re welcome.”
“And thank that man too,”
Simone turned back to the windshield and watched Nick walk towards his dark vehicle.
“I will…” Simone answered, starting her car.
She watched her rearview mirror as he followed behind her. Back at the building, she waved at him before ushering the family inside.
Mrs. Polk ran to hug her grandmother and her children. “I’m sorry,” she cried. “Did Ja’Traveon do this?”
Simone frowned and shook her head.
“I don’t know,” the grandmother answered. “I had put the kids to bed and the next thing I knew, somebody was yelling ‘fire’ and these people came through the window to get us.”
Mrs. Polk turned to Simone. “Thank you for bringing my family.”
Simone pulled her to the side. “Do you think your husband would try to hurt his own kids?” she questioned.
The woman shrugged her shoulders. “He has a temper and when he gets mad, he just loses control.”
Simone lifted a brow. “He seems to get mad often,”
She looked away. “I’m always doing stuff that he don’t like.”
“What happened this evening that brought you here?”
Mrs. Polk squirmed. “He was drinking tonight…”
“And he became violent again?” Simone questioned.
She nodded. “I ran and took the kids to my grandmother’s.”
Simone placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to let you take care of your family tonight, but tomorrow, I need to see you.”
“Okay, Ms. Jenkins. Thank you for everything,”
“You’re welcome,”
Simone watched the woman reunite with her family and then Brandy joined her. “I’ve put her family in one of the rooms upstairs.
“Thanks Brand
y,” Simone said, watching the children console their mother. “The police are staying in the area, but if anything happens, call me immediately.”
“I will.”
With one last glance at the children, Simone walked out to her car, headed home to get a few hours’ sleep and a shower, before returning. Driving to her apartment, she looked in her mirror and saw a dark car following her.
Outside her building, she gave a wave to the man who’d trailed her home. He gave a short wave in return and waited until she entered the building. Upstairs in her apartment, Simone turned on the lights and walked over to the window, just in time to see the dark car pull away.
Heading toward her bedroom, Simone smiled. “Damn, he’s fine…”
Chapter 3
Early the next morning, Simone returned to the Women’s Center. Entering through the main entrance, she stopped at the desk and greeted the receptionist, who buzzed her inside. Simone stopped to get updated.
“Any problems this morning?”
The receptionist shook her head. “No, it’s been quiet this morning. I heard that wasn’t the case last night.”
Simone nodded. “Stay on guard, and no one gets in without clearance first.”
“Got it,”
“I’ll be in my office,” Simone told her. “Have Mrs. Polk come down to see me.”
Nodding, the woman responded, “I sure will.”
Simone entered her office, put her purse inside her desk then sat in her chair. She placed her phone on the wood, and turned on her computer. The device buzzed on her desk and she looked at the message.
Hi Simone. It’s Nick. I’d like to come by this afternoon around one, if that’s good for you?
Simone stared at the message and felt another rush. She replied:
Yes, that works for me. I’ll see you then. Please check in at the front desk.
He answered:
Will do
Simone looked up at the light knock on her door. “Please come in Mrs. Polk.”
She watched the woman come inside quietly and take the seat across from her. Simone stood and walked around the desk to close the door. When she returned to her chair, she stared at the young woman.
“How are your children?” Simone asked, softly.
The woman wrung her hands. “They’re scared…and my grandmother is too.”
“Has your husband tried to contact you?”
She watched the woman look away.
“Mrs. Polk?”
Mrs. Polk nodded slowly. “He wants me to come home with the kids.”
Simone studied her. “Is that what you’re planning to do?”
“He apologized for being angry last night,” she said softly.
Simone lifted a brow. “Did he also apologize for trying to kill your family?”
“Ja’Traveon said he didn’t do that,” Mrs. Polk protested. “He said, he’d never hurt us.”
“But he’s hurt you before,” Simone reminded her.
She looked away again. “He didn’t mean to…”
Simone leaned back in her seat. “Do you know that on average an abused woman returns seven times to her abuser before she finally leaves…if she’s alive to do so?”
Mrs. Polk stared at her hands.
“What number are you on Mrs. Polk?”
Simone continued. “I’m not saying that you should be ashamed of returning, because it takes a lot of strength, courage and support to do that. That’s why the Women’s Center is here. Let me explain the stages of leaving…”
Mrs. Polk listened as Simone continued.
“Stages 1 & 2 consist of you beginning to not care for your abuser and you begin to disconnect from the abusive relationship. Stage 3 is when you begin to actually notice the effects of the abuse, like your children being afraid, and you start to prepare to leave the situation.”
Simone watched her closely.
“Stage 4 is going back to the relationship. Your mind goes back and forth because you need clarity, and you still crave that physical and emotional connection, which is why you go back. He’s made you feel that everything is going to be okay, this time…”
“Stage 5 is actually leaving for good.” Simone finished. “Where are you Mrs. Polk?”
The woman sniffed and wiped her nose. “I don’t know…”
Simone reached for a box of tissue and handed it to Mrs. Polk.
“I understand the reasons why you want to stay,” Simone said quietly. “You love him. You have hope that things will change. You want normalcy for you and your children. You’re afraid…both of staying with him, and leaving him.”
“I can’t take his kids away,” Mrs. Polk said, wiping her face. “He says that’s all he has…”
“Yet, he fights with you in front of them?”
She shook her head. “Only when he’s angry,”
“Stop making excuses for him Mrs. Polk. He’s a grown man.”
Mrs. Polk paused. “You don’t know him.”
“I think I met him last night, when he threw a firebomb at your grandmother’s house,” Simone told her.
“He wouldn’t do that!”
“Tell him to turn himself in to the police and let them clear him,”
She shook her head. “He can’t go to the police.”
Simone lifted a brow. “Why not?”
“He has an assault charge,” she explained. “My grandmother reported him, when they argued.”
Standing to her feet, Simone walked over to the woman. “So this man assaulted your grandmother?”
“She made him angry when she told him to not put his hands on me again,” the woman explained.
Simone blew out a breath. “Mrs. Polk, your husband is dangerous and the last thing I want is for you, your grandmother or your children to be seriously hurt.” She sat next the woman and took her hands.
“Scared animals return home, whether the house is safe or frightening.” Simone counseled. “You want to seek refuge in what is familiar, feeling that it’s better to have to deal with what you know, instead of uncharted waters.”
She looked at Simone. “I’m all he has…”
Simone shook her head. “Then he should appreciate you as such, and your children. The damage that’s being done now is not just on you. Those children are going to suffer this trauma for the rest of their lives.”
Simone squeezed her hands. “Tell him to turn himself in, before he’s caught. We will work with you to find a safe place for your family, including your grandmother.”
Watching the woman deep in thought, Simone remained silent. When she began to sob, Simone put her arms around her.
“It’s very hard,” Simone soothed. “But no one can make the choice, but you…”
“I don’t know what to do,” she cried.
Simone rubbed her back softly. “You can stay here at the Center for a five-day maximum. After that we can move you somewhere safe or you can return to your situation,” she explained.
Pulling back to look at her, Simone stared into her face.
“Think about your future and the future of your three children,” she told her. “I’m here, if you need to talk to me.”
Mrs. Polk nodded. “Thank you,”
“Tell Ja’Traveon that the police are looking for him and if he returns to this building, the police will be the last of his worries,” Simone warned.
Getting her meaning, Mrs. Polk nodded. “I’ll tell him.”
She stood and Simone walked her to the door. Watching the woman walk away, Simone turned back to her office and closed the door again. She began working and preparing for Nick Webster’s visit, since she wanted to have more than an idea to present to him.
A few hours later, she looked up and saw that he would be arriving shortly. Picking up her phone, she placed a call.
“Hello, goddess.” A deep voice answered.
Simone smiled broadly. “Hello, Sun God.”
“How are you?”
“Very good, actually.” Simone responded. “I need to ask you about someone.”
Ray agreed. “Okay, who?”
“His name is Nick Webster. He’s one of your agents down here in Atlanta.”
“Yeah, Nick. I know him well. What about him?”
Simone sighed. “I want to start training the women here at the Center in weapons to protect themselves, and Lotus recommended him to assist.”
“He’s former Special Ops. He’s expertly trained, and owns both a gun range and a number of gun shops, so she’s right on point,” Ray agreed.
“Can I trust him?” Simone asked quietly.
Ray paused. “If you couldn’t, he wouldn’t work for me and as soon as you’d mentioned his name, I’d have warned you. Nick is a good dude.”
“What’s his story?” she inquired.
Chuckling, Ray answered. “No goddess, that’s for that man to tell…just like your story is for you to tell, when you’re ready.”
She nodded. “That’s why I can’t find anybody. Nobody compares to you.”
“There can only be one Sun God,” Ray boasted, and she laughed.
“Seriously, I’m glad you’re helping the goddesses protect themselves. We lose too many due to violence, committed by sorry ass men.” Ray added.
Simone sighed. “I know, it’s astounding. I have a woman here now, whose husband has both threatened to shoot up the Center and possibly tried to kill her grandmother and his own children.”
Ray frowned. “What the hell? Do I need to put somebody on you?” Ray asked concerned.
“Ray, I’m a Diamond. I can handle myself, but Nick did show up at the right time last night. He rescued the children from the burning house,” Simone explained.
“What is going on down there?”
“We’re good. We can handle this, but if I need you, I know the number,”
He agreed. “Yes, you do, and don’t ever hesitate to use it.”
“I won’t…” she said softly. “I need to thank you.”
“No, you don’t.” Ray told her firmly. “Just be happy.”
Simone nodded. “I’m trying…”
“Are you still liking Atlanta, because I can find you something here in LA?” Ray offered.